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Artist Identity

Artist Identity

'We know what we are, but not what we may be.' 

― William Shakespeare.

You make music, but you don't know what kind of artist you want to be. Your fans love your music, but don't really connect with you. Sounds familiar? Perhaps it is because your artist identity isn't consistent or strong enough.

In this formula, we will work on defining your brand. Topics include*:

  • Stage Name

  • Influences / Music Style

  • Persona (Online & Offline)

  • Visual aesthetic

*These are topic suggestions, and in no way the exhaustive list.

Please, if you have any specific questions, bring them with you!

"Louise didn't tell me who to be or what to do, instead she guided me so I could discover it myself, and helped me build an artist identity that my fans would connect and engage with."

Matias Malagardis, Artist.

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